2012 LQHBA Yearling Sale

Statistical Summary Highest Prices
Leading Buyers Leading Consignors and Agents
Leading Sires of Yearlings Hip by Hip Results
Highest Prices - Day 1 --- (8/3/2012)
Highest Prices - Day 2 --- (8/4/2012)
Highest Prices - Cumlative

Highest Prices by Day
By Value
$49,000 HIP #110 - FAST BLACK PRIZE , C , 1, by Jet Black Patriot -- Fast Prize Corona, by Corona Cartel (Weetona Stanley ), (TM Ranch ), 8/3/2012
$48,000 HIP #77 - JESS LEAVING CORONAS , C , 1, by Coronas Leaving You -- Kate Perry, by Mr Jess Perry (Donald Aymond & David Bates, Jr ), (Bobby Barnett ), 8/3/2012
$42,000 HIP #237 - GETTIN IN GEAR , C , 1, by Game Patriot -- Mon Ti Rose, by Dashin Bye (James G Markum ), (Eric Johnson ), 8/3/2012
$36,000 HIP #199 - JET BLACK ALIKAT , C , 1, by Jet Black Patriot -- Stoli Alikat, by Stoli (Willie Salard ), (Armando Rivera Fernandez ), 8/3/2012
$32,000 HIP #250 - BIG SHINE MAGIC , C , 1, by First To Shine -- Little Magic Sis, by Rocket's Magic (Grant Farms, LLC ), (Mary Thompson ), 8/3/2012
$30,000 HIP #219 - HEZAFASTGAME , C , 1, by Heza Fast Dash -- Beyondthegame, by Game Patriot (Kris Locklear ), (TM Ranch ), 8/3/2012
$27,000 HIP #194 - JF FIRST PATRIOT , C , 1, by Jet Black Patriot -- Tobrendawithlove, by Call Me Together (Jumonville Farms ), (Melba DeLaCerda ), 8/3/2012
$25,000 HIP #45 - ATHENAS PATRIOT , C , 1, by Game Patriot -- Athena Raquel, by Mr Jess Perry (Raymond R Loup ), (Joe M Flores ), 8/3/2012
$25,000 HIP #176 - JF BRENDA PATRIOT , F , 1, by Jet Black Patriot -- Brenda Feature, by Truckle Feature (Jumonville Farms ), (Polly Coleman, Louis Michelson, Jim Williams ), 8/3/2012
$25,000 HIP #236 - SPITTIN GAME , C , 1, by Game Patriot -- Spit Spat, by Mr Jess Perry (Robicheaux Ranch, Inc. , Agent ), (Robert Latham ), 8/3/2012